Convert British pounds to euros.
Currently 1.1852
Check the GBP/EUR chart for historic exchange rates and setup a rate alert with us to be notified when your ideal GBP/EUR exchange rate is met.
* Remember, the exchange rates quoted in this section are based on the interbank exchange rate, which gives you an accurate picture on the performance of a market – however we’re unable to offer these rates (it’s the same wherever you go!).
Simple, secure currency services, tailored for you. Whether you need to exchange GBP/EURO for holiday, make a large transferred for buying goods in Europe or even regular transfers - we’ve been helping people like you since 1996.
Simplify your global payments for GBP/EURO with our expert account managers and world-class technology.
Today’s most popular exchange rates on GBP Sterling.
These rates are interbank and for indicative purposes only. Exchange rates change minute-by-minute - log into your account or contact our team to get a live quote for your requirements.