New Market Commentary – TestLIVE

Currencies Direct June 22nd 2009 - < 1 minute read

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Lorum ipsum text to simulate body copy. This is not for reading etc. but for display purposes only. The attached contract note is a confirmation of the verbal instructions given by you and constitutes a legally binding agreement in accordance with our terms and conditions.

Should you have any questions regarding this contract note, please do not hesitate to contact us. At Currencies Direct we go to extensive lengths to work with you in facilitating your foreign exchange needs not only now but in the future? Do you have a future foreign exchange need or requirement? If so why not consider our new rate watch service. This great service is specifically designed to meet your future trading needs. Sit back and let us take care of you by allowing us to monitor you needs for you.

Lorum ipsum text to simulate body copy. This is not for reading etc. but for display purposes only. The attached contract note is a confirmation of the verbal instructions given by you and constitutes a legally binding agreement in accordance with our terms and conditions.Lorum ipsum text to simulate body copy. This is not for reading etc. but for display purposes only. The attached contract note is a confirmation of the verbal instructions given by you and constitutes a legally binding agreement in accordance with our terms and conditions. Lorum ipsum text to simulate body copy. This is not for reading etc. but for display purposes only.

The contents of this report are for information purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation to trade or a solicitation for funds. Currencies Direct cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from any action taken following consideration of this information.

Written by
Currencies Direct

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